Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Dungeons and Dragons Online

Yes, I will admit I play this. But I haven't in a long time. I have to say right off the bat I HATE PLAYING WITH REAL PEOPLE. However the game makes it impossible for you to go beyond a certain level w/out having to group up with others. Here is why I hate playing with all the retards that are on there.
Here are my personal tips:
1st) Anyone who plays a fighter (melee player) or anyone that thinks they are one, runs up ahead of everyone so far that a healer cannot cast them a heal and they die. Of course these people never carry any fuckin' potions on them either. So it's the healers fault if they die.
2nd) Because the melee player runs ahead, the squishee people (People with low hit points) die. The casters are there for crowd control and in some quests the only ones that can do damage, so why wouldn't you help them stay alive? The whole point of a melee player is not to run up ahead and "clear the path" so to speak. It's to physically protect everyone in your group from being killed. You are "the tank" take damage and deal it. Not run ahead and commit suicide. I've seen way too often tanks run ahead and monsters pop out behind them and attack the casters. I'd like to see this in real life, if it were possible. Melee players would set out to defend a castle (like knights). While the enemy is breaking in killing everything in sight, including your king, and the whole time, all you'd brag about is that you have the higher kills than the wizard! But would that have been possible without crowd control from the spell caster? Would you even be alive anymore if the cleric wasn't wasting all their spellpoints just on you to stay alive?
***A good group goes together. With everyone understanding what's going to happen next (if someone in the group has played this quest before).
3) New people don't get any credit. We were all new at one point, so what is your problem with them not knowing how to do a level 5 quest when they are level 3 and you just used them to fill in the sixth slot. You run ahead without telling them where to go.. they can't catch up because the map is confusing. (Plus you didn't give them enough time to actually "load" the instance) They end up dying because you didn't tell them they had to have fire immunity and swim across a lake of fire the whole time they were in sneak mode. So they died and the first thing out of your mouth is "What happened?!" Usually yelling at the person because they were "stupid".
4) You have to be PSYCHIC to play this game. You have to know what all the other people are thinking, and what to do next, otherwise you "suck" and will have a hard time getting in a group.
5) Never play a bard or ranger. No one will pick you unless they just need a "6th" person. The original pen and paper had awesome rangers. But of course this game just keeps updating the fighters and adding more and more quests instead of fixing problems they already have
6)Love spam? Me too! In this game, it's a spam fantasy. Best part? The spammers have names like "abcd123", and "hhhhhhhhkkkjlj", and yet, they "just can't tell" when one is trying to create an account. I always knew Koreans were smart but now they've just proven that they ARE smarter than us.
7)Don't play a cleric unless you love guilt. you will cum with all the "love" you get for being the cleric. Every group "needs" one. If you don't have the resurrection spell as level one, you might as well forget about people being semi-nice to you. Everything and Anything that happens in this game that leads to a negative outcome is ALWAYS THE CLERICS FAULT. 3-4 hits from a monster and the cleric is dead. Once the cleric's dead, your party is "screwed". (However, a simple solution of a back-up healer, someone to "protect" the cleric and squishess, and for people to actually carry fuckin' healing potions, would help a lot)
8)You better have a top of the line elite government computer to play on, with your own server and internet provider, because if you lag even once your group is ready to give you the boot.
9)"I can open it on elite" You better be ready to play a level 12 quest as a level 1 on elite because nothing is more important than to play on elite and lose xp because the elite levels have nice treasure! Gah!
10) Be ready for children, pervs, and psychos. All to often you get in a group and someone puts on their voice chat and it's a 4 year old asking if you have any ice weapons they can have for nothing only to sell. Pervs.. My absolute favorite when a guy is all over youR ANIMATED CHARACTER and tells you he has "a thing for elves". And then the psychos. My opinion these people are the men that are playing that are 40-50yrs old that blow up, scream and curse because their character died and are ready to kill their entire family. Very mature. Sadly this is the majority of players on here.
11)"We're already In" has got to be one of the best sound to my ears. If a group goes on ahead of you:
A. Lose XP for coming in late
b. may not get reward for finishing quest because by the time you get into the "instance" they are on the 4th chapter. You need to do all the chapters in order to get credit for actually doing the quest itself.
c. people are dying and it's YOUR fault because you're not in there.
Fun game huh?
Bigfoot/Werewolf in Holy Hill, Wisconsin (Recent!)

What do you think? I am a completely open minded person when it comes to the supernatural, BUT I still use logic before jumping into conclusions. 1st of all let me say this. Holy Hill is a creepy little town where if you get lost in the woods, don't be surprised if you start to hear banjo music and a guy squealing like a pig. (Sorry to affend those of you that live in this area, but hearing conversations by some of the locals you'd agree with me.)
It's fun to talk about "Bigfoot, werewolves, ufos and ghosts" but come on.. Think seriously here for a second people. These so called "spottings" have been taking place since the beginning of time and yet, not one of any of these "animals" or "beasts" or "entities" has ever been caught. Ghosts I look at a little differently because people have audio and visual "evidence". But even still, there are sOOOO many hoaxers that it's impossible now adays to "prove" anything.
One point I'd like to personally make here, I found it interesting this guy that picks up road carcass at 1am never got tested for alcohol or drugs in his blood. Not assuming he is "under the influence" of course but really, all aspects should be covered. He didn't have the best lighting, it was in the middle of the night and fatigue may have set in.. And fatigue can equal hallucinations, and well, if he had anything to drink... Yeah.. That's all that needs to be said. But you watch now.. Tons of people will come forward with their little stories. Funny it all comes out now. Publicity pays well and the power of suggestion is misleading.
14 years ago when I first moved to the country in Wisconsin I heard rumors of a werewolf running around.. After that died down, nothing until now. I'm sure that if something that fricken huge (either bigfoot or a werewolf) was running around for this long we sure as hell would have seen it. Especially all you trigger happy murderous hunters that shoot anything that moves, including your own foot.
Here's my skeptical version:
Guy sets out to pick up his dead deer with little to no sleep. Pops a couple of his meds and grabs his thermos of coffee and kesslers. Gets to that area where the deer is, perhaps just, knocked unconsious, not remembering if it's on his "route" or not, but picks it up anyways. Groggy, and forgetful he forgets to put his truck ramp into the bed of the truck. Listening to his banjo cd, he hears a thump and looks behind him.. What's actually happening is either A) deer regained consciousness and is confused and scared and stumbles off the truckbed or B) deer's body starts to twitch and contort. This guy looks for 5 seconds in dim light, with a groggy perception and poor understanding and floors the gas peddle which in turn hurls the deer out of the truck. Which then runs off or crawls to ditch, high grass, forest or whatever! Realizing he forgot his ramp, and that would come out of his paycheck, he goes back and it's mysteriously "gone". (Because of course the werewolf or bigfoot or whatever needs a truck ramp.) No way in hell any passing motorist would have taken it. ( Good Christmas gift)
Believer version: Guys saw what he saw. We don't know everything. There is so much out there we haven't discovered yet, but that doesn't mean it hasn't discovered us.
"Taps" - Leading People Astray?
TAPS Ghost Hunters - Leading People Astray?
Ohhhh, I just love people that will create an entire fuckin' website to bitch about something that they think is "stupid" when in fact they are doing nothing but making themselves look like the dumbass!
Best part of article? Right here:
"For those who have not seen the show, TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Service) is a service run by a pair of plumbers (yes, real working plumbers) mysteriously only listed as Jason and Steve in the show's credits."
And this dumbass goes on and on referring to Jason and "Steve". When if he actually WATCHED the show, he'd know his name is GRANT and that STEVE is the TECH GUY! And NO, not only TWO people are in the credits.. Wha.. Where.... Wtf are you talking about!? You must only watch up to the 1st two credits and turn it off cuz I see hell of a lot more than two people. (In the beginning and ending credits.) If you actually did your research, like you claim, then you'd also know that JASON and GRANT are the two that started this branch of Taps and that Steve and Brian and all the others are obviously below them because those two are their "bosses".
BTW TAPS Stands for "The Atlantic Paranormal Society", NOT Service. People had to email you that information. Unbelievable you took the time to write up all that crap, when you didn't even know what you were writing about. Ever think about a job in journalism, you'd be great writing large columns in "National Enquirer Magazine"
Love Always,
Saturday, November 25, 2006
"Big and Tall"
Anyone out there a tall person besides me? I love all these shops, websites and specialty stores that label themselves "Big and Tall". Or that they "now carry talls!". BULLFECES!
Let me explain why. The average female in the U.S. is just a little under 5'4". Average male is 5'9". So what happens when all those clothing companies out there make clothes for the so called "tall" people? Most inseams are around usually 30/32-34" ( For you retards, an inseam is the measurement from the inside of the upper thigh to the bottom of the pants) So what happens when a female that is 5'6" comes into go shopping for pants? The 34" will probably fit her fine.. Since 5'6" is considered "Tall" because it's over the 5'4" average. But what happens when you're a 5'8" female or say like me, 5'10" almost 5'11"? I don't even look at the "normal" clothing because I know the style will look cute on but come up to me like crop pants or sometimes even capris.
So I spend the extra gas money and time to set a day aside to focus just on "pants shopping" And trust me, NO ONE wants to be around me while i attempt this almost always impossible task. I go to Old Navy, Gap, Kohl's, wherever it's been advertised, even once, that they "carry talls". But what happens when i get there? Same as every other place.. The pants stop a few inches ABOVE my ankles. Great for you old folks or the people that are stuck in the 80's. But I'm in my mid twenties and like to dress as "modern" as i can afford. Since the "tall" inseams in the girls section goes up to (if you're even lucky to find these) 34" then what the hell does someone do that's considered "REALLY TALL"?
I've shopped in Chicago and Mall of America.. a few times in California even and it's all the same everywhere. I found a place once that "expertly constructed to tailor to the tall woman" and there were females in there a full foot above me. Now these inseams where insanely long. Which is better than insanely short.. But then.. of course.. the top of the pants go past your bellybutton. Sorry but if i wanted that i'd just go buy fat guy pants and pull them up to there and hope the inseam still reaches the floor. What do the females do that are in this "inbetween" sizes? All i ask is all the "thug-wannabe" girls out there, is to stop buying the "longer" pants when you fit into the shorter lengths just fine. Nothing pisses me off more than being frustrated as hell i can't find anything that is long enough and walking by me goes a much shorter girl with pants that are being stepped on and ripped up.
Moving on to the guys.. Being as you figured out i'm tall, same goes for my brothers. I have an older and a younger. My younger brother just turning 14 and almost 6'2" already. My mom has to call me constantly to help her look on the internet to special order him clothes. I've gone with her shopping with him already and it's impossible. "Yes, we carry talls, come right this way". What's the inseam go up to? "Mostly 33inches, but we may have a few 34's" Riiiiiiiight, We all just look at each other and walk out of the store. Maybe we're "freaks" But i know there are plenty of people out there that ARE taller. And i must say.. look at them.. look at us.. we cannot possibly dress as nice as anyone else because the clothes just are NOT out there. If you're going to create a "big and tall" shop.. then please MAKE IT BIG AND TALL Live up to the f'n' name! Start it at 34" inseams.
I do understand we have more and more hmongs and illegal immigrants crossing over to the country everyday but HELLO what about the people that were here the whole time? Remember us? I guess if you all want us to dress up in moomoos and baggy clothes that are 5 times larger than we normally where just so we can pull them down, then so be it.
Growing up i went from girlie to tomboy..and pretty damn quick because i couldn't wear the cute clothes all my peers did. so i grabbed guys jeans.. i noticed the waist didn't go as high and they had more "leg" to them then ass. As the years went by.. i think companies caught on..that more and more girls were doing that cuz they needed to. And now we have similar styles that the guys do. I will admit one thing though.. at least where i come from.. guys do NOT come tall. I don't know if something's in the water or what but the guy i'm dating now is the first in all my life that is actually taller than me, and that is nice. Plus it helps that he doesn't say demeaning things to me like, "You'd be so hot, if you were shorter". Yeah.. sorry about that, I'm still saving up for that leg shortening operation.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Out-of-wedlock births reach all-time high
What a topic...
First of all I don't know how the U.S. can even complain about something I find so trivial.
Maybe instead of bitching about what real women do in their lives and ridiculing them for everything they do every waking moment.. they should look at the bigger problems we have like.. hmmm oh say.. Drugs, Street Gangs, Rapists, Terrorists, Abductions, and MURDERERS!
Or maybe it's the fact that the government does nothing about pornography, that encourages women, men (especially) to have sex with as many men, women, children, animals and objects that she/he can possibly handle with the least bit of protection he/she can use. If bringing a child into this world and not having a rock on your finger takes precedence over shit like that, then all I can say is that Canada is looking better every day for me.
Isn't it good that at least these women are HAVING the babies? Not to mention the article talks about how the un-wed women are in their 20's? The teenagers or "Babies having Babies" problem has dropped compared to last year, and I'd say that's a good thing. A twenty year old IS considered an adult (though there are many out there that don't act like it) and is at least old enough to have a job and can raise the child independently if she needs to. Not to say.. What if someone doesn't believe in the act of marriage but they do believe in love? What is wrong with a 24 year old female and say a 24 year old male that have been together since they were 14, but don't want to get married? The woman can still raise her child as it's "mother" and the male can still raise the child as it's "father". They can still be a "family". Just because there is no damn ring on the fingers and some stupid papers to "prove" their love for one another shouldn't mean shit! What a materialistic world we live in.
Now say the guy wants nothing to do with the child? (As usual) well at least the single mother can get child support from him. Unlike a 14 year old girl having a child and pretty much pawning off all "motherly" duties to her parents and the young father not having to pay a penny, though his parents may suffer for his responsibility. This article acts like all the women out there are whoring themselves around and WANT to have a baby. Where's the guilt on the guys for not sticking around with these women, huh? It's not like she picked up a picture of a baby and *poof* she's pregnant! Or how about the fact that the mother or father of this child may have grown up in a house hold where the "happily" married parents were unfaithful and beat the shit out of each other and the children!? I'm sorry but it doesn't exactly put a good outlook in someone's future plans to ever be married. No matter what anyone does in this country it will never be "right".
These woman could have had abortions instead, but they choose not to. (That's a whole other topic) I give them credit.. It takes a lot of courage to bring a baby into this world with not much of a support system behind you. It's sad to think that if a Woman gets pregnant and she's not married everyone thinks she is dirty or a slut and they look at her in disgust. (Of course the whole time the "father" of the child is getting a pat on the back because he's "the man"). But if she had an abortion they would shame her for life. However, If she is married, and is pregnant, it's celebrated! Is she happy in her marriage? Is he? Who cares!? All that matters is that she's pregnant and they are married, and that's how it "should be".
Think of it this way when you read this article.. Is it a pro or con that the teenagers having babies crisis has gone down? Is it a Pro or Con these women did not have abortions? Is it a pro or con they aren't married when clearly they weren't sure where the relationship stood? Is it a pro or con for a couple to be married JUST because they had a child, when inside they can't stand being around each other and are unhappy and fight all the time?
The most interesting piece of this whole article that I really love I'll post below:
***Other findings in the report: The birth rate among teenagers declined 2 percent in 2005, continuing a trend from the early 1990s. The rate is now about 40 births per 1,000 females ages 15 to 19. That is the lowest level in the 65 years for which a consistent series of rates is available***
Ummm.... Yeah.. LOWEST LEVEL IN 65 YEARS!
So people stop bitching. And I'm talking to all you old folks that are "set" in your ways. I normally don't like to hurt peoples feeling, but you sure as hell NEVER care about anyone else's. You are mainly the ones that have a problem with this and well.. Pretty much everything else that happens in this world. Let's see now 2006-65 years = 1941! Hmm Pearl Harbor..Yes.. Hmm WWII ..yess... Moving a tad later we get to the "60's" Well, helloooooo "BABY BOOMERS"!
When nothing mattered but "Love" and the "Freedom to Love". You Hippies pushed it, and fought for it. You did it and enjoyed it. Guess what? Now you're older.. Now your daughter or son want to do the same things you did ( in a much more toned down way actually) and you have a problem with it? Sorry, but "You can't have your cake and eat it too".
And I'm sure ALL of you and ALL of your parents were ALL married when they had ALL of you. Must of been nice to have lived in such a PERFECT world. Did you know they had to Expand ALL the schools in the U.S. just to fit you?!
"Now How about them Apples?!"
***Pearl Harbor**
a harbor near Honolulu, on S Oahu, in Hawaii: surprise attack by Japan on the U.S. naval base and other military installations December 7, 1941.
***World War IIn. Abbr. WWII ***
A war fought from 1939 to 1945, in which Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the United States, China, and other allies defeated Germany, Italy, and Japan.
**Baby Boomer*
a person born during a baby boom, esp. one born in the U.S. between 1946 and 1965