Thursday, August 07, 2008


Meet Haiti, She likes long walks on the beach, poetry, Marilyn Manson and having control over your soul. Piss her off and you'll become nothing but a floating head worshipping the very ground she walks on. Obey and you'll be rewarded heavily.

So I've been level 80 for quite a while now and it's not what i expected but it's not bad either, I like the feeling of accomplishing my goal. The Necro class has gone threw quite a few changes in the past months and for the better i might say. In the beginning it was the hardest class to play (next to the demonologist) because of being so squishy and your spells nor pets did much. At least with the demo their spells can do over 1k damage. Haiti's will never be that High until a level cap of 100 is reached. With the last changes to the Neco class, the pets were buffed up more, capabilities are more often and they were given more hit points. A lot of people complained about this for some reason (probably because they spec into the ice feat part of the tree) but really, it's for the better if your playing your necro the 'correct' way in my mind.

My advice to any that are building a necro is to put your feats into your pets! Remember you mainly a PET class. They do your bidding so make them as uber as possible. Going down the ice feats is just foolish in my opinion, but hey trying something new/different is fun too!

Don't let anyone tell you how to play your class, play your class the way you want to play it and enjoy the game. Remember you can solo AOC!


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