Crazy Asian Canadian

If you're not familiar w/the story...
Read full story here, Crazy Asian Canadian
I was informed of this event by my younger brother who couldn't believe it happened. I however, was not shocked. In fact I replied, "it's about time, we're about due for another crazy person/event like this, been awhile". Not that i support or like this type of thing but hello.. Gein, Gacy, Bundy, Dalmer. I know this guy isn't a serial killer (yet) but he's definitely the type. Best part is how he's acting all sad about what he did now. I guarantee if he's let loose he'd do it again. He knows what it's like now and obviously enjoyed doing it. Wouldn't doubt if he was a little happy in the pants as well. The act of playing god gets these guys off.
My brother commented, "What's with these Asians?" When I asked what he meant he kindly reminded me of 1. Crazy Asian guy that killed multiple people in upper Wisconsin a few years ago during the deer hunting season. 2. Crazy Asian that killed multiple people at Virgina Tech, and now 3. Crazy Asian on bus.
To be fair I did correct him by letting him know that 84% of all psychotic serial killers are WHITE men mostly starting their killing sprees in their twenties. Canada is still safer than the US no matter how you look at it. The United States is the hands-down leading producer of serial killers, with 76% of the WORLD'S total! Europe comes in a distant second with a measly 17%. England has produced 28% of the European total, Germany is close w/27% and France is 3rd w/13%.
Interesting considering these are the WHITEST countries.
Something to think about to all those caucasian guys out there who think they are sooo superior.
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