Dungeons and Dragons Online

Yes, I will admit I play this. But I haven't in a long time. I have to say right off the bat I HATE PLAYING WITH REAL PEOPLE. However the game makes it impossible for you to go beyond a certain level w/out having to group up with others. Here is why I hate playing with all the retards that are on there.
Here are my personal tips:
1st) Anyone who plays a fighter (melee player) or anyone that thinks they are one, runs up ahead of everyone so far that a healer cannot cast them a heal and they die. Of course these people never carry any fuckin' potions on them either. So it's the healers fault if they die.
2nd) Because the melee player runs ahead, the squishee people (People with low hit points) die. The casters are there for crowd control and in some quests the only ones that can do damage, so why wouldn't you help them stay alive? The whole point of a melee player is not to run up ahead and "clear the path" so to speak. It's to physically protect everyone in your group from being killed. You are "the tank" take damage and deal it. Not run ahead and commit suicide. I've seen way too often tanks run ahead and monsters pop out behind them and attack the casters. I'd like to see this in real life, if it were possible. Melee players would set out to defend a castle (like knights). While the enemy is breaking in killing everything in sight, including your king, and the whole time, all you'd brag about is that you have the higher kills than the wizard! But would that have been possible without crowd control from the spell caster? Would you even be alive anymore if the cleric wasn't wasting all their spellpoints just on you to stay alive?
***A good group goes together. With everyone understanding what's going to happen next (if someone in the group has played this quest before).
3) New people don't get any credit. We were all new at one point, so what is your problem with them not knowing how to do a level 5 quest when they are level 3 and you just used them to fill in the sixth slot. You run ahead without telling them where to go.. they can't catch up because the map is confusing. (Plus you didn't give them enough time to actually "load" the instance) They end up dying because you didn't tell them they had to have fire immunity and swim across a lake of fire the whole time they were in sneak mode. So they died and the first thing out of your mouth is "What happened?!" Usually yelling at the person because they were "stupid".
4) You have to be PSYCHIC to play this game. You have to know what all the other people are thinking, and what to do next, otherwise you "suck" and will have a hard time getting in a group.
5) Never play a bard or ranger. No one will pick you unless they just need a "6th" person. The original pen and paper had awesome rangers. But of course this game just keeps updating the fighters and adding more and more quests instead of fixing problems they already have
6)Love spam? Me too! In this game, it's a spam fantasy. Best part? The spammers have names like "abcd123", and "hhhhhhhhkkkjlj", and yet, they "just can't tell" when one is trying to create an account. I always knew Koreans were smart but now they've just proven that they ARE smarter than us.
7)Don't play a cleric unless you love guilt. you will cum with all the "love" you get for being the cleric. Every group "needs" one. If you don't have the resurrection spell as level one, you might as well forget about people being semi-nice to you. Everything and Anything that happens in this game that leads to a negative outcome is ALWAYS THE CLERICS FAULT. 3-4 hits from a monster and the cleric is dead. Once the cleric's dead, your party is "screwed". (However, a simple solution of a back-up healer, someone to "protect" the cleric and squishess, and for people to actually carry fuckin' healing potions, would help a lot)
8)You better have a top of the line elite government computer to play on, with your own server and internet provider, because if you lag even once your group is ready to give you the boot.
9)"I can open it on elite" You better be ready to play a level 12 quest as a level 1 on elite because nothing is more important than to play on elite and lose xp because the elite levels have nice treasure! Gah!
10) Be ready for children, pervs, and psychos. All to often you get in a group and someone puts on their voice chat and it's a 4 year old asking if you have any ice weapons they can have for nothing only to sell. Pervs.. My absolute favorite when a guy is all over youR ANIMATED CHARACTER and tells you he has "a thing for elves". And then the psychos. My opinion these people are the men that are playing that are 40-50yrs old that blow up, scream and curse because their character died and are ready to kill their entire family. Very mature. Sadly this is the majority of players on here.
11)"We're already In" has got to be one of the best sound to my ears. If a group goes on ahead of you:
A. Lose XP for coming in late
b. may not get reward for finishing quest because by the time you get into the "instance" they are on the 4th chapter. You need to do all the chapters in order to get credit for actually doing the quest itself.
c. people are dying and it's YOUR fault because you're not in there.
Fun game huh?
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