Rockstar Games

I don't know what their problem is, but they keep pushing their luck with the nasty games they come out with. Always targeted towards teenagers, but with the content only fit for an adult. Even the adult content seems too much for most adults as well. Every game seems to have some form of sexual nature, anarchy, gangs, theft, pretty much everything and anything that is deemed "immoral".
I was speaking to my fiance and his cousin about these games to see what they thought of them and they both said they hated Rockstar Games because they always seem to be the same game, with a different title. And all the content is just disturbing. Especially because in most of these games, the more you do "bad" things the more you are rewarded. Whether it be with sex, a new gun, an execution style kill, the new mob moss, etc. (
Their games are always being pulled from shelves and questioned by parents everywhere. So I asked the question, "What kind of person are you when YOU are the one putting this into a game? How can you put slitting the throat of someone or raping a woman into a game without felling wrong, or at least awkward about it?" The response I got, shocked me. My fiance's cousin, an ex Marine, used to be stationed in California. A friend of his worked for Rockstar Games and complained often of extremely long, if not illegal, work hours. When the crew got tired, they were given speed by their Manager to stay awake! I couldn't believe it. But that answered my question. The type of twisted company that forces drugs on their employees to stay awake through their gruelling work hours is the same type that makes these twisted games!
Luckily for his friend, after he finished his part of the job, he quit and moved out of state.
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