The Spice Girls

The Spice Girls are back and showing more skin than ever before. I never was a fan before, and I sure as hell ain't one now. Their new song, brilliantly titled, "Friendship Never Ends", is slow and sweet and sounds like it would be something coming out of the speakers of a seven year old girl's headphones.
More like the new hit on a christian rock station, with out the rock. Yet, the video itself looks like a soft lipstick lesbian porno. I know the guys out there are crazy for this but come on, do you really like the song? I had enough of the bad music by chicks that can't sing (Spears/Simpson) and just show up half naked to get an audience. Not saying some of these ladies don't have a good voice, but the song stinks and the video does not, or at least should not, go along with the video. I don't know many friends that sit around in their undies stroking each other's hair. If you wanted a video on friendship and the stroking of hair they should have done a scene where one was in some sort of pain (loss of a loved one, illness, etc). What where they thinking?! As always, sex sells.
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