Monster Quest - BIGFOOT

The mission of Monster Quest: "Reveal the truth of legendary monster sightings around the world. Deploying the latest in hi-tech equipment, each episode scientifically examines the best evidence available, from pictures and video, to hair and bones, as well as the eyewitness accounts themselves. From pilots to policemen to ship captains, a number of seemingly credible people have seen things they can't explain. One part history, one part science and one part monsters, MonsterQuest discovers the truth behind these legendary monsters."

I usually try to catch any of the latest updates on anything related to cryptozoology. Though I generally don't believe many of these things exist I still love to watch the stuff. Plus there's a part of me that always reminds myself not to be so ignorant and conceded to think that there's nothing else out there. In fact there's parts of the oceans, forests, and jungle that have never been touched by human feet. So who are we to judge?
Episode 2, 11-08-07 9-10pm CST
Expedition: Investigate a report of a Bigfoot attack at a Canadian fishing cabin. Blood and tissue samples are said to be present from the beast.
Where: Small fishing cabin located at Snelgrove Lake, a pristine and remote area nestled in the wilderness, untouched by humans. Located 250 miles north of Ottawa. Closest town is 200 miles away with a population of about 10,000 people. Snelgrove lake can only be reached by float plane.
Why: The small fishing cabin has been a focal point for a series of seemingly aggressive incidents by what the Canadians call, "Sasquatch" (A.k.a. Bigfoot in America). Most of the reports around the area are of an 8'tall, 800lb, hairy, upright-walking being with long arms and a human-looking face.
Who: Chuck Mosbeck, owns the only single-cabin fishing camp on Snelgrove Lake and rents it out just a few times a summer (to visiting fisherman).
What Happened: One day in October, Mosbeck realized he forgot to add antifreeze to the drains of his cabin. His father went to the cabin to take care of the situation and when he got there he saw the cabin was broken into.
What They Found: Recording for his 2002 insurance video, Mosbeck does a walk threw. The first thing noticeable was that the Refrigerator had been RIPPED out of the wall, every single shelf and cabinet ripped down, including all it's contents. The Kitchen stove had been ripped from the wall and flipped onto the ground. Chuck thought he was somewhat lucky that whoever or whatever did this didn't get into the shower room, but he was wrong. When he opened the door he found his bathroom sink pulled to the floor and the door of his shower was bent. The stove pipes for his wood burner had been pulled down as well and there was soot everywhere. "EVERYTHING was on the floor!"
What Chuck Thought: "At first I thought kids did this, but then I realized there is no way they could get here". There is virtually no population around here. In fact there is hardly anyone year round, only the fisherman that rent from me in the summer. In any given season, your lucky if you see 50 people".
Episode 2, 11-08-07 9-10pm CST
Expedition: Investigate a report of a Bigfoot attack at a Canadian fishing cabin. Blood and tissue samples are said to be present from the beast.
Where: Small fishing cabin located at Snelgrove Lake, a pristine and remote area nestled in the wilderness, untouched by humans. Located 250 miles north of Ottawa. Closest town is 200 miles away with a population of about 10,000 people. Snelgrove lake can only be reached by float plane.
Why: The small fishing cabin has been a focal point for a series of seemingly aggressive incidents by what the Canadians call, "Sasquatch" (A.k.a. Bigfoot in America). Most of the reports around the area are of an 8'tall, 800lb, hairy, upright-walking being with long arms and a human-looking face.
Who: Chuck Mosbeck, owns the only single-cabin fishing camp on Snelgrove Lake and rents it out just a few times a summer (to visiting fisherman).
What Happened: One day in October, Mosbeck realized he forgot to add antifreeze to the drains of his cabin. His father went to the cabin to take care of the situation and when he got there he saw the cabin was broken into.
What They Found: Recording for his 2002 insurance video, Mosbeck does a walk threw. The first thing noticeable was that the Refrigerator had been RIPPED out of the wall, every single shelf and cabinet ripped down, including all it's contents. The Kitchen stove had been ripped from the wall and flipped onto the ground. Chuck thought he was somewhat lucky that whoever or whatever did this didn't get into the shower room, but he was wrong. When he opened the door he found his bathroom sink pulled to the floor and the door of his shower was bent. The stove pipes for his wood burner had been pulled down as well and there was soot everywhere. "EVERYTHING was on the floor!"
What Chuck Thought: "At first I thought kids did this, but then I realized there is no way they could get here". There is virtually no population around here. In fact there is hardly anyone year round, only the fisherman that rent from me in the summer. In any given season, your lucky if you see 50 people".
History of Bigfoot experiences at Cabin:
-In 2003, Joe Frascella and some of his fishing buddies were enjoying a week of walleye and Northern pike fishing at the camp. Joe stated that, " I have been coming here for years and years and I always felt like I was being watched. Like a zoo animal. I couldn't shake the feeling, every time I went back to that area." During the evening Joe and his friends started to hear distant wood knocking or pieces of wood being banged together. So they decided to knock back. Later that evening their fears became real. At about midnight, walking to the kitchen window, one of the campers was getting ready to brush his teeth and get ready for bed, when he heard a series of loud screeching noises outside the cabin. Following the noise the entire cabin started to shake and vibrate violently. The screeching and vibrating went on for several minutes and the campers described that the cabin felt like it was being, "Picked Up". Then just as quickly as it came, and to the campers relief, it suddenly stopped and silence fell.
-2007 a diary of a fisherman from more than a decade ago (8-09-95) was found. This is what his entry read. "We found an unidentified footprint on the Portage of Broken Mouth River. It appeared to be about a size 16EEE. It looks to be a Bear-foot/Human-type print."
What does Chuck Mosbeck think now: "This creature visits regularly, seemingly angry about the cabin and, sometimes, the occupants".
I will update in next post on what they found!
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