LOTRO - Lord of the Rings Online

As you've read earlier I had experience with DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online).
Though both from Turbine, you will see a HUGE difference in both game play and graphics.
In DDO when you get a new pair of shoes, and you equip.. you won't actually see that on your player. In fact the only thing that looks different on your player is Armor, Weapon, Shield and Head Gear. In Lotro when you put a pair of Ruby slippers on, You have on a pair of Ruby slippers!
Along with crafting to make your own special weapons, armor, clothing, shields and flags (yes flags) decorating your own house, doing infinity amount of solo missions, riding a horse, bobbing for apples, horse racing and battling evil, I'd say this game blows DDO out of the water! Sadly I was addicted to DDO for quite a long time 1yr and half at least. But the game just develops too slowly. Which is odd since Turbine does both LOTRO and DDO. In LOTRO your hunter (ranger in DDO) kicks so much butt they could take down any level capped fighter in DDO. In DDO your ranger sucks so much butt they would die just thinking about dying. They are truly one of the worse classes in the game to play as. The Bard (DDO) is just as bad. At higher levels they give great buffs, but with the same level wizard or sorcerer and one spell of Greater Heroism your songs mean nothing. You are a waste of a player slot ( see my Dungeons and Dragons review below) You are so much weaker than a fighter, you would be dead in a few hits from a monster, you can't heal compared to the power of a cleric and your arcane type magic is dwarfed compared to the wizard or sorcerer. In LOTRO the Minstrel (Bard in DDO) is one of the BEST players to have on your team. Not only do they heal with great power but their songs do so much buffing you can' t even read them all. They can bring you back from the dead jamming to Fresh Prince of Bell Air if they please, because in this game you can play any song you like on pretty much any instrument you want (Even a cowbell!). In DDO you get one instrument and one instrument only with a click of a button and only a certain amount of songs(And pretty much the same song over and over again).
Keep in mind DDO is based off of Dungeons and Dragons and very specific guidelines, but if you're looking for a game that's similar with limitless options and a level cap of 50 and not only 14, then this is the game for you! Give it a week, you'll be hooked! (Even the videos cooler!)
Game play is more similar to World of Warcraft, but not as "animated" looking. Even if you didn't like Lord of the Rings, this game is truly amazing! LOTRO!
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