Friday, November 02, 2007


Sure he knows hot to treat Fido's broken leg but what about Nemo?

I know amongst the billions of people in the world a huge number of you have had a pet snake, turtle, fish, bird, spider, and several different kinds of rodents. And those people that have, at one point or another, had at least one thing go wrong with their pet. So you bring it to where? A Veterinarian? HAH!

I had so many fish die (read post below) of such weird things, some visible, others not. I could only get in to see the Vet when I brought my dog in for his checkup. And the Vet's answer to my fish questions? ( In a Lumberg tone ) "Uhhhh, yeah.. ahhh..Hrmm.. yeah, we don't.. we don't really deal with fish here. I can give you the number to an aquatic doctor".

Called once to see if he could tell me if the humongous lump on my Dwarf hamster's thigh could be a tumor, but guess what? "We don't deal with those types of animals". So what am I supposed to do.. let the little guy suffer and die of pain because they didn't go to school for this? I couldn't believe it.. yet the sign outside their door pictures birds, mice, dogs, cats, horses, fish and cows. Oh False advertising.

Then my mother's bird started to act weird and wouldn't eat any food or move from her current position for days.. she just tucked her little head into her wing and slept. So my mother calls the Vet's office. " We don't deal with those type of animals". WTF!?

Next.. 3 dog cases.

My first dog

One day walks into the bathroom by me and one of her eyeballs is rolled back.. (Yeah it was creepy) so we take her to the vet and he tells us she just has some debris in her eye and it will naturally work its way out and gives us some oral and topical (eww) antibiotics. Her eye returns to normal and she seems ok except for every time she fell asleep she went into seizures. We bring her to the vet over and over and he finds nothing wrong. I guess they can tell that by just "looking" at her. A few weeks later my parents had her "put down" because she had such bad seizure's she would thrash about and scream. I was only 17 at the time and balled my eyes out (first dog and all) every time I watched her in agony. We find out from the doctor a few days later. (guess he did an autopsy) She had died of cancer that spread from her ovaries and liver to her brain. Oh, I thought maybe she died of the debris in her eye.
So my question is this... If the vet does nothing but "look" at your dog, how could he ever even find any cancer?.. ugh!

2nd Dog
We moved out into the country and I had a cute 6 month old yellow lab. We noticed right away her eyes always seemed to be blood shot, she seemed to have a problem focusing on where you were and her pupils were always dilated, but when we asked the vet about it at every visit he just kept reassuring us it was nothing. Just the "dust" from our gravel road getting into her eyes. Our neighbors (from hell) had a 13yr old black lab, That they let loose day and night to piss all over our house (male dog) He always tried to mount our lab and when we would yell at him the neighbors would yell at us and say not to worry, their dog has testicular cancer and can't produce sperm. Well still it's not right to let my puppy get raped by their pedophile dog. Well, one day we get a phone call from my brother who was supposed to be home watching the dog. The neighbor's dog had successfully raped our puppy.. and in the process his paw got caught in her collar. She was choking from the lack of air and he was yipping from the pain in his paw. The neighbor girl reached in to separate them and got bit. She didn't see who bit her but she was pretty sure it was our dog. (Of course) So we got sued and hated our neighbors since that day. How is this Vet related?.. just wait.

Finally it's time to get our puppy "fixed" and we drop her off at the vets. We get a phone call the next day letting us know "she did fine but she would have to stay over night because of all the blood loss" Blood loss? Why so much? The nurse says "Well with removing 11puppies and the uterus, there's a lot more blood loss involved". Are you f*#%# kidding me!? repeat ARE YOU F#$% KIDDING ME?! ( no body actually said this to the nurse but we were all thinking it ) Our puppy was pregnant with puppies! 11 black, yellow and chocolate labs. All aborted, WITHOUT consent by the veterinarian. When we asked them why they didn't call us and ask they said "We naturally assumed you didn't want them, considering you were getting your dog spayed". I remember my mom crying for days and at the same time making fists every time she thought of the neighbors and their dog. The story continues...

Speed jumping threw this same dogs life. At the end she started to favor one of her back legs a lot and couldn't run to far. We brought her to the vet probably 30times.. and every time he just said it was arthritis and gave us some pain and joint medication for her. Within a few months.. it was so bad she wouldn't do anything but lay on the floor.. go to the bathroom on the floor and squeal on the floor whenever she moved a little. Again, my parents had her put down. A few weeks later we get a phone call from the vet trying to make us feel better about our loss, by letting us know what he "thought was arthritis was actually cancer. In fact the cancer in her leg was so bad she had hardly any bone left in her back leg." We were speechless. We never did find the truth behind her eye problem but I feel she was very close if not completely blind since day one.

Current dog.

I don't live at home anymore (thank god) but my mother recently got a new dog. Now an 8 month old Crazy Hyper, but Sweet, Doberman puppy she named Angel. No problems as of yet, but she does appear to get little bumps all over her skin. At first we thought she had a few burrowed ticks that we missed. ( We first discovered the bumps in early summer during tick season) My mother asked the vet during the puppy's recent evaluation what it was and he took one look at them and said "Oh, it's probably nothing but a skin irritation". She explained to him she had them since early June and he just repeated his answer to her and gave her some antibiotics (the answer to everything) I told my mom to just try another vet clinic, look at our history with this place. When she spoke to the other vet place she got a female vet this time and she asked her so many questions my mom had a migraine, but the thing that floored her the most was when the other vet was in shock that previous vet didn't ask her these same questions or even took a skin sample. Right now the "bumps" are being biopsied (hopefully nothing bad, but knowing our luck).

My Cat

My first cat, given to me from my brother when I got my first appartment has looked disfigured since I got her "fixed". She was totally normal as a kitten but requirement from my landlord forced me to get her fixed and declawed. Well upon picking her up, paying in full (or I can't have her back) I get home and let her out of the pet carrier. and behold my cat has a what appears to be a sack for a stomach that drags on the ground, along with about 10 "fingers" on each paw from the crappy job of stitching her up after declawing her. She also seems to always have a plugged up nose. I take her to a new vet to see what it could be and they tell me she just has a cold. I don't know about you but I haven't had a cold for 5years straight. She occasionaly gets spots on her face that lose hair and turn black.. I ask about that and it's "cat acne", a "skin irritation" or she's "allergic to one of my other cats". How can she be allergic, SOMETIMES? Which is it!? Everytime I bring her in I ask and everytime they say the same thing.

Morale of all of this.. Do vets just study dogs and cats only? And if so, why don't they seem to know anything about them? I seem to know as much as any vet does, only difference is that I can't get the medicine or do the operations.. Diagnosing.. Don't even get me started!


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