Ghost Hunters (Taps) Contestants

As you may have read earlier, Taps had a contest going to see who the next "new" ghost hunter will be. Three Finalists were chosen and I have to tell you, from the standpoint of watching their auditions alone.. why? None of them had a relevant reason to even be considered. The closest being Deanna Hoffman. (Because she was into ,obsessively -compulsively, Halloween?). I guess some people may associate that with ghosts but.. come on! Schedule wise, she would be the best.. No kids, works for a scrapbook company and watching her investigating on TV with the members she jumped right into the action. The two men however.. "Do you know about the different kinds of hauntings?" .. "Uhhh.. hmmm, just from what I see on Taps". "OK, what about an Emf, know how to work that?" "Hmmm, just from what I seen on Taps" (Smile for the cameras) Tell me these two guys just don't want to be on TV. This however, is the so-called auditions and investigations they showed you on the live show. To tell the truth the auditions they actually got picked from are shown on the Taps website. Check them out first. (Auditions). Not so bad anymore. Deanna's is truly different and doesn't seem so much like a job interview (which technically it is). She already sounds like a ghost hunter. Or a Ghost Hunter SHOW Host.
I feel the worst for the Radio DJ (Patrick Clark) because he was grilled by the two ladies he was escorted with to be evaluated by. (One of whom I think is always a Be-otch) Where as the female (Deanna Hoffman) didn't get asked any of those questions. Probably because she was paired with the what seems to be the most laid back investigators (including an investigator still in training) (Kris). Mark (Warrant officer) seemed the least interested in the whole thing he just liked "investigating" though he didn't even seem to know where to start. (Tango had to show him how to properly hold the Emf detector). If I had to pick, it would be Deanna, then Pat, then Mark. But to each his own. WE (the viewers) definitely should not have had the say in who wins. We can vote to sway their decisions but hopefully the ghost hunters themselves actually take who fits. I just think it's retarded they seem to pick anyone. Cuz the majority don't really care about ghosts or have interest, they just want to be on Television. Check out the winner this Wednesday, November 7 on Sci-Fi at 8:00cst, GHOST HUNTERS.
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