3-D Photo Could Be Lincoln at Gettysburg

Sorry, Ummm.. NO! Funny how every soldier in the pic is packed together like sardines all the same height but not old Abe with his hat and suit standing a good 2 feet higher than everyone fighting in the center. He's even several shades darker then everyone else. If you actually follow the link, http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,312098,00.html and check out the second picture you can clearly see the photo shopped blacked-out parts added by the idiot that sent in this picture along with it. Of course there are always morons that believe everything they see in front of them, but come on! You can see exactly where he placed him!
Don't believe me about how real photo shop can look? Check out some peoples attempts at ghost pics, most commonly used to trick people.
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