Mormons and Polygamy

The history of Mormon polygamy begins with claims that Mormonism founder Joseph Smith received a revelation from God on July 17, 1831 that some Mormon men would be allowed to practice "plural marriage".
Sorry, it's just hilarious to me.
So I did a some research and watched a couple shows on Mormons and their Polygamist beliefs. Very interesting I must say. I never knew what Mormons were about. Thought they were the same as Lutheran is to Methodist. Boy was I wrong. First of all did you know that they will "baptise" the dead? Oh yes. If they find out about your passing they will have certain people "take over your soul", so to speak, and baptise themselves Mormon in your name. So that you are the very best and closest to god you will ever be.. simply because you're Mormon. That alone should put up some red flags, but whatever. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
Except for what if you're Catholic or Jewish and have been all your life and your parents were and their parents and so forth? One older gentleman, with tears in his eyes, commented that "Both of my parents were murdered in a concentration camp, before my very eyes, simply because they were Jewish. They had the option to "save themselves" if they turned to the desired religion at the time but they both refused being strong in their faith and were quickly put to death. Jews have been getting prosecuted for thousands of years because they remained faithful to their beliefs. So now you're telling me these people can "turn" my parents in to Mormons to "save" them. Ridiculous and we take that offensive. "Who could blame him?
On a religion solely built on a sexist olden time David Koresh, Mormons do have quite strong faith. The belief is that "the family that prays together stays together". Men don't have to do anything but Marry any female they point their finger at from the age of 11years old and up. Girls at the age of 11 are put into a special book by their fathers which is then given to the "prophet" or what outsiders would call the "priest, father, elder, etc." He then would show this book to all the men in the congregation and they could have as many as they like and as young as they like. ( So you can bet that 65 year old chooses no one over the age of 25 ) Where is Chris Hansen now?
The women are taught as girls to cook, clean and make babies. They also must provide the financial support for the men. They are not allowed to date before marriage that is considered "Taboo" and they will burn in hell for all eternity. Women are not allowed to complain, smile, cry or show concern. Any emotion can be considered weakness and they will be punished by their husbands, sons and the church itself. Going so far as excommunicating them. They are not allowed to enjoy sex, they are taught to lay there and "take it". No birth control whatsoever. Remember your sole purpose on earth is to make babies. If your husband is not pleased with you or you are "too old" for him now he can simply talk to the "prophet" and he'll sign a paper and you're considered divorced and must move out of the house. Or if he likes your cooking and the income your bringing in he may keep you to raise the new kids he's making with his 15yr old new wife and her 12yr old sister.
Some runaways (all females-hrmmm, wonder why that is) were featured on the show saying it's the most horrible way to grow up. Any and all violence weather it's physical, mental, emotional, or even sexual is always on the account of you. Anything you do wrong is punishable in any way daddy feels he might enjoy that day. Growing up in families no less than 12 siblings, the parents hardly know their children's names or birthdays. One of the girls that escaped, Sara, now 17 years old, left because her father was trying to force her to marry HIS uncle that requested her hand and he's 71! She told him no and he beat her.
She ran away two weeks later. Meeting up with Faun, who rescues girls from these harsh conditions, she was warned about her growing up. The church telling these girls to look out for this lady, that she was a "she-devil". Faun had Sara take tests to see what her education level was at. At 17years old Sara has the equivalent intelligence of a 5th grader. She was put in a half-way home and is taking classes in a "normal" environment. She exclaimed, " I never knew Dinosaurs were real!". Sara was so happy to get out of that life style, she commented, " Don't be fooled by their fake smiles and covered up scars". (Referring to the children and wives of those who live in Polygamist famlies)
One of the sickest stories I heard was that of a girl named Amanda whom was put on the marry list at the age of 13 and was forced to be married by 14 and have a child by 15 by a man that was 34 years old. A stranger so to speak. She was married two years, and yes had another child. Her husband beat her almost on a daily basis and forced her to work 3 full-time jobs so that he could get a new truck and get the house ready for a 3rd wife. Being depressed and on the brink of killing her self she went to her "prophet" for help. When she told him of the abuse, he told her, "It's your fault. You were married to the Devil in a Previous life, and this is your punishment.".
Closely after her 2nd year of marriage, now 16, her step-father decided he wanted a piece. He wrote to the "prophet" whom destroyed the marriage and 2 weeks later she was forced to marry her step-father, sharing him with her own mother and 31 other wives. Amanda was 16, he was 65. When he came to her bed one night she finally said, "I can't do this". When he got angry and asked "why?" She told him she "just needed to work on my relationship with God.". He gently grabbed her hand and put it between his legs and whispered, "This is what spirituality means to me."
The women are retarded, but brainwashed. And the men are selfish pigs. I see no difference in what they are doing and picking out a hooker out of a book. The only difference in his mind is that there is nothing wrong with this, because he can do no wrong. The wife can take the brunt of it all. She will burn in hell before he does, ESPECIALLY if she doesn't perform her "duties".
The men claim this isn't about sex, it's about love. But how can a man that's 71years old truly love an 11year old girl whom he just picked out of a book to "marry"? There is no love bond between an age gap like that. She may love him as a "father" but you know he isn't thinking that way!
If it's not about men having all the power than why isn't there polyandry (one wife, several husbands)?
Faun, the lady I mentioned earlier that rescues children from polygamist familes, has had her house burned down, her half-way houses burned down, her car blown up, she's been shot at, tires slashed, you name it. Sounds alot like something God wants you to do. Attempted murder is condoned by the "prophet" to anyone that is against this religion, but remember, as long as you please your husband, it doesn't matter. You'll probably go to hell anyways since you're female.
So then it comes down to why aren't they getting arrested if polygamy is illegal? They have the highest cases of well-fare fraud around and they aren't doing much to help out the overpopulation we already have nor women's rights. And the last time I checked being a pedophile wasn't a good thing either!
This is truly f'd up!
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